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WALT: What  is the contribution of postmodernism to our understanding of society today?
WILFs: Can identify, define (E) and deploy (D) key terms and concepts in postmodernism.... Can describe and explain the post modernist critique of modern society (C) using example sociological theorists from the A1 and A2 units (B).... Can compare and contrast postmodernism to competing theories of society (C-B)... Can evaluate post modernist theory theoretically and in relation to appropriately deployed empirical evidence (A)

Essay Question: Assess the Contribution of Postmodernist theory to our understanding of society today

Lesson Development
1. Rally Robin everything you can remember about post modernisn in sociology then Stand and Share
2. Read and take notes from the PPT with your revision twin

3. In a group of 4-5 plan, create then share a detailed revision resource which includes:

i) A general outline of post modernist theory with named and explained examples of theorists

ii) Post modernist view of the family - evaluate how valid is it

iii) Post modernist view of the changing role of the State in modern society - evaluate against other theories and evidence

iv) Post modernist view of politics - old versus new politics - evaluate against evidence

v) Post modernist view of social class stratification and differentiation -  briefly compare and contrast to other theories and assess

4. Plenary - Paraphrase Passport the essay question

Read the PowerPoint, take notes then try the game below

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