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What Factors best explain working class underachievement? In Association with
Step 1: Introduction PPT
Step 2: Worksheet
Extension Quiz
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Walt N' Wilf

WALT - What best explains working class underachievement?
WILF - K and U of the facts of underachievement (E)........ Can list some causal factors (D).... can accurate describe causal factors and distinguish between inside and outside factors (C)...... Can evaluate factors and come to a conclusion (A)

Lesson Development
1. Rally robin possible cuases of Working class underachievement
2. Stand and Share
3. Read the Powerpoint
4. Complete the Diamond 9 diagram in a new pair

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Lesson 2 Development
1. Rally Robin what causes working class underachievement
2. Pair Up and complete this exercise
3. The individually complete an Interactive Diagram

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