Education Forum
The Dark Side of Family Life
Domestic Violence Background Reading
Domestic Violence Cloze
Child Abuse Cloze
Child Abuse Causes Diagram


Family Ideology suggests that the family is a private and safe place. However sociologists have studied the family as the location for violence and abuse, especially against women and children.
We have already learned that the Radical Psychiatry perspective sees the family as a dysfunctional rather than functional unit.
This lesson aims to define both domestic violence and child abuse and examine sociological explanations for both.


First read the Background Reading (you will need a username and password from Mr Walker to access this external link). Take notes on the following

a) What is Domestic violence?

b) How prevalent is Domestic Violence?

c) What is the connection between Domestic Violence and child Abuse?

d) How can Domestic Violence affect children?

1. Complete the cloze exercise which helps you define domestic violence and assess its incidence
2. Complete the Diagram on the causes of domestic violence (on this page)
3. Complete the Child Abuse Cloze exercise
4. Complete the Child Abuse causes interactive diagram


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