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The New Right and the State
New Right Theory PPT
Theories of the State Quiz
Student PPT New Right
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WALT: Why does the New Right want a small State?
WILFs: Can define key words and concepts (E-D)..... Can describe and explain the New Right theory of the State (D-C).... Can evaluate competing theories of the State and come to a supported conclusion about the nature of the State today (A)

Starter: Watch the clip - What are the arguments for and against the State being involved in the economy?

1. Promenade your Study Buddy then Stand and Share
2. Mix Pair Share
a) Why do Socialists want an expanded role for the State?
b) Why does ther New Right (market liberalism or Thatcherism) want a diminished role for the State?
c) Are you a Socialist or Market liberal?
3. Read the PPT on the New Right and take notes
4. Quiz Quiz Trade
5. Read and take additional notes from the Student PPT with your Study Buddy
6. Sit in teams of 4 and complete the Allwrite Consensus
7. Mark your Study Buddies work and give it a level a grade a www and an ebi
8. Plenary: Vision on - draw a picture which describes as many as competing theories of the State (no words or numbers) then interpret each others x3
Roaming Review Questions
Pair up and rotate the room answering the following questions .. you will get 7 minutes at each location. Take it in turns to be scribe
1. If Charles Murray and Ralph Miliband were to meet up and discuss the State, what would they argue about?
2. Why does the New Right want a small state? Answer with full explanations and example theorists
3. Which theory of the State studies so far is best supported by empirical evidence? Explain
4. What are the similarities and differences between the Marxist, Post modernist and Anarchist views of the State?

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