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The New Right and Stratification
Functionalism and Inequality PPT
NR and Stratification PPT
Essential NR Reading
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WALT - How do Functionalists and  the NR view social inequality and social stratification? Is inequality functional or dysfunctional?
WILFs - can describe and explain the functionalist and NR interpretation of inequality and stratification supported by example theorists (C) ... can compare and contrasts functionalism and the NR to other perspectives pulling out similarities and differences (B)... can come to a supported judgement whether inequality if functional or dysfunctional (A)


Lesson Development

  1.  Starter: Connect the learning. Highlight the key points in the reading then Round table a) the functionalist, Marxist and Weberian theories of stratification and b) the 12 key words we learnt last time connected to stratification and their meanings
  2. Rally Robin the key points of the attached PPT then Stand and Share
  3. Pair up and Rally Coach the cloze activity
  4. Open the Worksheet

a) Take notes on the Key Questions (individual work) then pair up and Mix Pair Share each one

b) With a partner define all the key concepts in your notes - use the 4B's

c) With your Study Buddy Rally Coach the questions on the penultimate page

4. Pair Up again and devise a Poster for display which shows
a) The Key ideas of NR and functionalist thinkers on class, inequality and stratification
b) Some of the ways in which the NR and functionalism have been criticised
c) Your evaluation of funcionalist and NR ideas on class, inequality and stratification
Use your lesson notes from today your textbooks + Haralambos from the library as your sources

5. Mix Pair Share  a) Marxist and functionalist theorys b) weberian and new right theories c) which theory is most convincing and why d) Is inequality functional or dysfunctional?

6. Plenary passport today's WILF

HOMEWORK: Complete all the Independent Study questions on the Worksheet and use the essay planning grid to prepare a response to the essay question

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