Education Forum
The Impact of War on Life in Nazi Germany
PowerPoint Intro
PowerPoint Advanced
Total War Speech (ext)
Resistance and Opposition PPT
Resistance and Opposition in the 1940s
AllWriteConsensus Plenary
A 1 Unit 2 Home
A Level History Home



WALT: How did the outbreak of war and then 'Total War' change life in Nazi Germany?
WILFs: Can describe and explain how war changed the lives of workers, peasants women, young people, levels of persecution, nature of propaganda, general morale and levels of opposition in Nazi Germany (D-C).... Can evaluate the significance and impact of the 'Total War' Speech on morale and life in Nazi Germany (B), Can assess and evaluate levels of continued support for the Nazis in the latter stages of the War (A)

Lesson Development
1. Review the PPT, the film clip together - Key Question - how did war change life in Nazi Germany? Then Stand and Share

2. Read pages 114-142 of AQA book and create 2 Mind Maps include the following as branches:

Early War:1939-41 - morale, rationing, Workers, Women, Youth

Later War 1942-45 Total War - events 41-42, Total War Speech, Workers, Women, Youth, mass bombing and morale, Resistance - Communist - Church - Youth - White Rose - Military Plots

3. Pass the Parcel the Mind Maps X4 - read, add, annotate, illustrate, develop then return to owner

4. In your revision Twin choose one part (a) and one part (b) from the list below and prepare for timed
exam practise on Thursday

5. Homework and exam prep.... Make sure you have detailed notes on opposition to the Nazis in the 1940's -
Church, Youth, White Rose, KPD, Jewish, Military using the linked page and your

Exam Style Questions

(a) Explain why the Nazi regime declared 'Total War' in early 1943. (12 marks)
(b) 'In the years 1940 to 1945 the Nazi regime retained the loyalty of the
German people.'
Explain why you agree or disagree with this view. (24 marks)

(a) Explain why the invasion of the USSR changed the lives of those living in
Germany in the years 1941 and 1942. (12 marks)
(b) 'In the later stages of the war Hitler still commanded widespread support.'
Explain why you agree or disagree with this view. (24 marks)

(a) To what extent did the lives or ordinary Germans change after the declaration of war in 1939 (12 marks)
(b) The defeat of Germany at Stalingrad in 1943 led to a complete collapse of
confidence in the Nazi regime. Do you agree or disagree with this statement (24


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