Marxist Theories of Power

Gap-fill exercise

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   authority      bourgeoisie      economic      hegemony      ideological      poor      proletariat      schools   
Marxists believe that political power has its origins in power. Therefore those who own the means of production (wealth, factories, businesses, money) - the have both economic and political power over the non owners (the working class or ).
Government and the State therefore exist to maintain the class divisions in society.

The Capitalist System

Marxists acknowledge that in capitalist societies there sometimes appears to be consent for the of the capitalists from the workers, but argue that this is "false consciousness" - capitalist ideas and attitudes are imposed on the working class through manipulation. The dominant capitalist ideology is said to be imposed on workers in , through the media and through organised religion. For example children in schools are "taught" how to compete for scarce qualifications, the media manipulates the news to show capitalist interests in a good light, and religion "teaches" the to put up with their conditions and wait for the after life.

The Italian modern or neo-Marxist Gramsci develops the idea of ideological dominance considerably. Ideological leadership of society by the capitalists is described as ''.