
Lesson Objective: To assess the impact of Ofsted on education

1.Complete the exercise and drop it into a Word document. Read the finished document through carefully highlighting the key points.
2. Read the discussion about Ofsted linked at the top of the page entitled "What do teachers think about Ofsted?"
3. Make a list of teachers criticisms of Ofsted. Place the criticisms in 2 columns in your Word document underneath your opening section. The first column is for what you think are "reasonable criticisms" by teachers the second for what you think are "unreasonable criticisms" by teachers.
4. Now read "What Ofsted thinks of itself"
5. At the bottom of your Word document write a short evaluation assessing the impact of Ofsted on education

1993 complaints evidence grading incompetent leadership measures morale oversee pressure standards
Ofsted started its work in . A team of inspectors is charged with the duty of lessons they observe in a school as well as the quality and efficiency of schools. A school has to be inspected every six years.
Since 1993 Ofsted inspectors have;
1.Put more than 900 schools into “special ” with around 90 of these later being closed and around 300 of them being later judged as having improved their standards to an acceptable level.
2. Insisted that teachers plan their work and provide in good schemes of work and thorough lesson planning
3. Insisted that Headteachers provide “dynamic”
4. Revealed around 15,000 teachers to be “

don't swear at me!

Supporters of Ofsted have suggested that rigorous inspection has improved of education in England. Critics of Ofsted have pointed out that virtually the same “improvements” have been seen in Scotland and Northern Ireland where Ofsted has no role. Critics of Ofsted have also suggested that Ofsted has a damaging effect on teacher at a time of considerable teacher shortage. The most quoted reason given by teachers leaving teaching before retirement is the of Ofsted. There have also been a number of high profile complaints about the conduct of Ofsted inspectors which has led to calls for an independent supervisory body to Ofsted’s performance and deal with complaints. Presently about Ofsted are dealt with by Ofsted. Ofsted currently costs around £200,000,000 a year to run.