Feminist Ideology

Gap-fill exercise

Fill in all the gaps, then press "Check" to check your answers. Use the "Hint" button to get a free letter if an answer is giving you trouble. You can also click on the "[?]" button to get a clue. Note that you will lose points if you ask for hints or clues!

   accept      campaigning      capitalism      central      Discrimination      equality      female      Liberation      patriarchy      political      Separatist      socialist      workers   
First Wave Feminism
This refers to the feminism emerging in the 1800’s focused on campaigns for political - e.g. the Suffragettes

Second Wave Feminism
This refers to the Feminism of the 1960’s and the Women’s Movement. This resulted in many of the laws granting equal rights to women e.g. Sex Act 1975, Equal Pay Act 1970

Three Types of Feminism
Most writers identify three broad types of feminism, liberal, and radical

Liberal feminism emphasise the importance of for changes in the law to guarantee gender equality. All major political parties today the main ideas of liberal feminism

Socialist (aka Marxist feminism, aka dual systems feminism)
Socialist feminists identify and the main source of gender inequality. For instance capitalism benefits from the oppression of women - cheap labour, rearing and socialising the next generation of , unpaid housework. Socialist feminism believes gender inequality will only end when capitalism ends. Socialist feminism has little influence on the ideas of the mainstream parties

Radical feminism
Radical feminism sees gender inequality as the divisive feature of all human societies. Radical feminists call for fundamental changes in all aspects of society - values, beliefs, family, work, religion, education, politics etc.

feminists generally do not feel that men can make positive contributions to the feminist movement and that even well-intentioned men replicate the dynamics of Instead, separatist feminists concentrate on directing their energies and allegiances towards other women, outside of a patriarchal context. This typically includes working with other women towards political or social goals, choosing living and family arrangements that are -only, and avoiding hiring or working for and with men.