Big Families and Households Quiz
By Andy Walker
A factual recall quiz for Learning Online
1. A family of no more than two generations is called a...
small family
nuclear family
extended family
happy family
2. A family of more than two generations is called an ...
reconstituted family
3. A family formed by 2 adults who have been previously married and who bring children from their previous marriage to the new marriage is called a...
symmetrical family
4. Which sociologist suggested that the nuclear family is "universal"?
George Formby
George Foreman
George Murdock
George Graham
5. What is a Kibbutz?
an Israeli commune
a Russian hankerchief
a reconstituted household
a smoked herring from the Isle of Man
6. Which school of sociology sees the family as a functional necessity in modern society?
7. Murdock's three functions of the family are:
birth, marriage and death
keeping children off the streets, punishment and instruction
sexual/reproductive, economic and educative
8. Which functionalist claimed that one function of the family is the stabilisation of adult personalities?
Shulamith Firestone
Frederick Engles
Anne Oakley
Talcott Parsons
9. Which long time colleague of Karl Marx suggested that the family came into existence with the invention of private property?
10. Marxists see the family as an instrument of social control
11. Marxists see the family as a socially positive institution
12. What are the three main strands of feminist thought?
liberal, radical and marxist
labour, liberal and conservative
angry, angrier and angriest
13. What is the key feminist concept which refers to male dominance?
14. Which of the following is NOT a structural theory?
15. Who identified several types of marriage such as "drifting" "established" and "surfacing"
16. Who blamed the family for schizophrenia?
Roland Freisler
Ronald Laing
Ronald Macdonald
Roland Rat
17. Who characterised families as suffocating and constraining?
David Cooper
Alice Cooper
18. Functionalism gives a highly optimistic view of the family
19. Marxist approaches can be characterised as economically reductionist
20. These two sociologists claimed industrialisation created the nuclear family. Who are they?
Flannagan and Allan
Little and Large
Young and Wilmott
21. Which social historian claimed that the nuclear family was common before industrialisation?
Peter Laslett
Peter Kropotkin
Peter Rabbit
22. Who introduced the term neo conventional family?
23. The majority of people in Britain live in nuclear families
24. Around 35% of births in Britain occur outside of wedlock
25. Around 21% of Sikh and East African Asians in Britain live in extended families
26. The average household now consists of how many people?
27. Which country has the highest divorce rate in Europe (EU)?
28. Who asserts that divorce can be explained in terms of women's dissatisfaction with marriage and a desire for more equal relationships?
29. Who identified two main forms of conjugal roles, segregated and joint?
Elizabeth Bott
Elizabeth Windsor
30. Who suggested in 1997 that as many as 40% of marriages will end in divorce?
31. Who developed the concept of "emotion work"?
Arlie Hochschild
Arlie Davidson
32. Which sociologist has claimed that governments tend to introduce social policy which promotes the nuclear family as normal, natural and best?
Janet Street Porter
Janet Finch
33. Under the 1943 National Insurance Scheme who was NOT eligible for most benefits?
the old
the sick
married men
married women
34. What was formed in 1993 with the aim of forcing absent fathers to provide for their children?
35. What alternative to the conventional family based on communal living was created by John Humphrey Noyes in 1848?
The Kibbutz
The Oneida Community
36. According to which group of sociologists do women suffer "double exploitation"?
radical feminists
liberal feminists