The Scientific Revolution

Gap-fill exercise

Lesson Instructions Complete each section of this lesson online and print each section (there are THREE activites). Use your print outs to design a poster called THE SCIENTIFIC REVOLUTION

   cures      doctors      God      mind      Royal      science      scientists      superstition      witchcraft   

Today we take for granted. But in 1500 people knew little about how the world worked, many believed that controlled the world, whilst others believed in magic, , superstition and the devil.

However some people were starting to take a different approach to the world around them, they believed that the human could unlock natures secrets and explain the world using science instead of .

These new thinkers or often met to help each other and formed an organisation to help them called The Society.

Many of the members were who had read the works of Vesalius and Harvey; they used their work to find out how the human body worked and to try to find for illnesses.