Anti Sexist Language
Matching exercise

In health and social care settings it is important ot avoid discrimination by using non sexist language. Read the guidelines on the left then try the exercise. In this exercise you have to match the non sexist term on the right with the sexist term on the left. As you complete the exercise consider why the sexist term might be thought sexist

Using non-discriminatory language

Use titles and modes of address consistently for men and for women.

Use he, his, him, himself only when referring specifically to males.

Use the words man/woman, girl/boy, gentleman/lady in a parallel way.

Use similar terms when describing the same characteristics in women and men.

Avoid using occupational titles containing the 'feminine' suffixes -ess, -ette, -trix,

Avoid using occupational titles containing the 'masculine' suffix -man.

Avoid the generic use of man or of composite words involving the syllable man.

Avoid unnecessary reference to the gender and/or sexual orientation of a person or a group.

Avoid terms which denigrate a person or a group on the basis of gender and/or sexual orientation.

Avoid unnecessary reference to the relationship and/or parenting status of a person or a group.