Medicine in the Middle Ages

Lesson Objectives
1. Investigate Factors of Change in Medieval Times
2. Investigate attitudes to cause and Cure in Medieval Times
3. Research the causes, consequences and attitudes towards the Black Death

Complete the exercise, drop it into Word then print it for your books. Complete and print the diagram and then complete the test linked at the top of the page.
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   body      caused      destroyed      Dissections      elements      forward      four      Galen      herbs      Hippocrates      humours      inflict      medical      plague      planets      planets      progress      punishments      Roman      stagnate      Urine      Zodiac   
Medical knowledge in the Middle Ages must have appeared to have stood still. While the Ancient Romans, Greeks and Egyptians had pushed medical knowledge, after the demise of these civilisations, the momentum started by these people tended to and it did not develop at the same pace until the Seventeenth/Eighteenth Centuries. In Britain, as an example, most things linked to the Romans was – villas were covered up as the Ancient Britons believed that they contained ghosts and evil spirits. With this approach, it is not surprising that anything medical linked to the Romans fell into disuse in Britain.
By the 14th Century, universities had developed in Western Europe that could be classed as schools where students could study under a master physician. The University of Montpelier was one such university. of human bodies were carried out in these universities so anyone wanting to study medicine in the Middle Ages was not totally ignorant of facts about the human . Public debates were also encouraged about medical issues and it is known that some medical schools encouraged students to actually challenge the ideas of Galen and . As a result of this refusal to take what Galen and Hippocrates had stated at face value some was made in the medical world during this time.
However, medicine became steeped in superstition and the Catholic Church effectively dominated what direction the medical world took. Any views different from the established Roman Catholic Church view could veer towards heresy with the punishments that entailed. Therefore, when the Roman Catholic Church stated that illnesses were from God and that those who were ill were so because they were sinners, few argued otherwise.
Medical practitioners were also still heavily influenced by 1000 years after his death. Mondino’s book on the anatomy, "Anathomia", still relied on observations made by Galen and other Greek writers of medicine.

No-one knew what really diseases. For the Roman Catholic Church they were a punishment from God for sinful behaviour. However, some progress was made in certain areas.
The first authentic description of the symptoms of smallpox were recorded by Rhazes who lived from 860 to 932 AD. However, society was many centuries away from a cure.
charts were also used to help physicians diagnose illnesses. Certain coloured urine indicated certain illnesses. Combined with a table of the , these gave physicians enough information to diagnose a disease. Once the disease had been diagnosed, a treatment was decided on.
Physicians still believed that an imbalance of played a major part in illnesses. When this happened:
No-one knew what really caused diseases. For the Roman Catholic Church they were a punishment from God for sinful behaviour. However, some progress was made in certain areas.

Some Greek and Muslim physicians believed that the moon and played an important part in good health and this belief was continued in the Middle Ages. They believed that the human body and the planets were made up of the same four (earth, fire, air and water). For the body to operate well, all four elements had to be in harmony with no imbalances. It was believed that the Moon had the greatest influence on fluids on Earth and that it was the Moon that had the ability to affect positively or negatively the elements in your body. Where the Moon and planets were – and a knowledge of this - was considered important when making a diagnosis and deciding on a course of treatment. Physicians needed to know when to treat a patient and when not to and where the planets were determined this. A so-called Chart also determined when blood letting should be done as it was believed by some that the Moon and planets determined this as well.

Remedies for diseases were still crude and based on , potions or more drastic cures.
There were people in the time of the plague (the Black Death) who believed that they had sinned. They believed that the only way to show their true repentance was to pain on themselves. These were the so-called flaggellants who whipped themselves to show their love of God and their true sorry at being a sinner. Clearly, this was no cure for the .

What ate these flaggelants doing and why?

Objective 3 Extension Research