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The Survival of the Third Republic and the Constitution of 1875
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WALTs : Why did the Third Republic persist and monarchy never be restored? What were the key features of the 1875 constitution?
WILFs : Can give some reasons (D).... can give a valid historical explanation (C)...... is able to evaluate cause and reach a conclusion (B)...... can recount the main features of the 1875 constitution (D).... can assess the significance of the 1875 Constitution (B)

Lesson Development

1. Having studied the PPT; rally robin the following questions

a) Why did the 3rd Republic persist and the monarchy never come back?

b) What were the main features of the 1875 Constitution?

2. Stand and Share

3. In a new pair create a Diamond 9 diagram of causes and explain

4. In a further new pair create a post it diagram of the main features of the constitution of 1875. Use the PPT, your textbooks and the following links to help you

5. In your revision twin Create a 15 question revision quiz using content generator for this topic and publish it on the A Level History section of the VLE

5.Plenary: Mix Pair Share the wilfs


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