Ancient Greek Medicine Revision test

By Andy Walker

factual recall revision test from

1. Who was the Greek god of healing?





2. What were Askelpios' temples called?





3. What are the rough dates for the Ancient greek civilisation?





4. who devised the theory of the four humours?





5. Why was the Four humours a turning point in the history of medicine?

   it helped cure people from disease

   it allowed people to have a sense of humour

   it was the first ever natural theory of the cause of illness

6. How was Ancient greece governed?

   they were ruled by a king

   they were ruled by an emperor

   they had no government

   they were ruled by competing small city states, aristocracies, monarchies and democracies

7. Who was Askelpios' daughter?




8. What was the name of the healthy open air building in an Askelpion in which visitors slept waiting for Askelpios to cure them?




9. what does philosophy mean?

   lack of wisdom

   love of wisdom

   Norman Wisdom

10. What were the four humours?

   phlegm, black bile, yellow bile, blood

   earth, wind, fire and water

   a quartet of Greek comedians

11. According to Hippocrates, in a healthy person the humours would be

   in a state of imbalance

   all mixed up together

   in a state of balance

12. What is the Hippocratic Oath?

   the promise sworn by all doctors to behave kindly towards their patients

   something unprintable Hippocrates said when he stubbed his toe

13. Where did the Ancient Greeks attempt to amass all their knowledge? It was also a place where human dissection as allowed


   in the Askelpion

   Alexandria in conquered Egypt

14. Which ancient greek working in Alexandria compared human and animal anatomy and worked on the nervous system?





15. Which ancient Greek working in Alexandria identified the differences between arteries, veins and nerves?




16. Which two greek thinkers have been credited with convincing the greeks that the human body was not needed after death and that dissection was alright?

   Hippocrates and Anaximander

   Aristotle and Plato

   Herophilus and Erasistratus

17. What animal was considered sacred to the Greeks and was used in the Asklepion for its healing powers?



