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The Discovery of Penicillin
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Fight Against Infectious Disease
The Story of Penicillin
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WALT: Who should get the credit for penicillin the 'wonder drug'?
WILFs: Can describe the contributions of Fleming, Fletcher, Florey and Chain in the discovery and mass production of penicillin (C)
Can compare and contrast the contribution of different individuals and other factors (B)
Can evaluate who should get the credit for penicillin in a supported and well reasoned judgement (A*)

Lesson 3 Development
1. Starter: Find Someone Who

 Then Stand back to back with your shoulder partner and Mix Pair Share
a) Who was most important  Jenner Pasteur to the fight against infectious diseases?
b) Who made the biggest contribution in the fight against infectious disease after the contributions of Jenner, Pasteur and Koch - mention Ehrlich, Domagk and Fleming
2. Watch the clip and take notes on today's WALT

On your table share your notes and spend 5 minutes using your textbooks to add to them
3. Take your face partner to a computer and Rally Coach the Story of penicillin exercise

4. Quiz quiz Trade - questions from Mr Walker
6. On your tables decide you should get credit for the discovery and mass production of penicillin and justify your choice
7. Table stand and Share
8. Plenary: With your face partner - go to a computer and dreate a Venn diagram for who should get credit for the discovery and mass production of penicillin

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