Ancient Egyptian medicine revision test

By Andy Walker

Factual recall revision test from

1. What was the title of the Egyptian King?



medicine man


2. Who was the Egyptian god of healing orginally Pharoah Zoser's doctor?





3. This Egyptian drug is still used today, what is it?




4. Who was the Egyptian god of war who could also cure diseases and epidemics?




5. The ancient Egyptians were polytheistic. What does this mean?

they had an abundance of parrots

they relied on the river Nile

they worshipped many gods

6. Why did the ancient Egyptians wear charms and amulets like the scarab beetle?

because they still believedd disease was caused by evil spirits, the charms were to drive such spirits away

for fashion purposes

to show that they weren't frightened of evil spirits

7. How did Egyptian religion progress knowledge about anatomy?

the gods told them how the body works

the Egyptian heart had to be balanced against a feather so they learnt how if worked

the priests read about it in the Book of Thoth

they believed the body was needed in the after life so preserved it and dissected out the soft organs to preserve them

8. How did Egyptian religion hinder an understanding of anatomy?

religion always stands in the way of progress

experimental disection was not allowed under religious law

the priests did not want to anger the gods

9. The Egyptians were one of the first civilisations to develop written language, what was it called



hieroglyphics or picture writing

10. How did the Egyptians use willow?

as a purgative

to treat wounds and sfter surgery

to treat colds and flu

11. The river Nile flooded every year, why was this important to Egyptians?

it provided drinking water

it kept them cool

the flood waters left a fertile deposit making Egyptian agriculture possible

12. Which of the following is an example of a natural theory of disease forwarded by the Egyptians?

the idea that disease was caused by evil spirits which could be charmed away

The theory of blockage with treatments involving purging, bleeding and vomiting

the theory of opposites

13. Why did Egyptian priests bathe and shave themselves thoroughly?

personal hygiene appears to have had religious significance in Ancient Egypt

because the weather is very hot in Egypt

to make themselves look smart for religious ceremonies

14. What is the proper name for the preservative used in the embalming process?

monosodium glutamate


15. Roughly what were the dates of Ancient Egyptian civilisation?




3000-400 BC

16. Why did Egyptian's use herbs and drugs?

as natural cures for disease

to ward off evil spirits