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Detailed Instructions Unit 6
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Welcome to the Unit 6 Detailed Portfolio Instructions

Public Health  Portfolio
You will need to write a report of 800-1200 words.
Focus of your report must be a  detailed investigation into a public health issue affecting existing or future health, development or well being of a particular service-user group
Your report will focus on factors that affect the health and well-being of large populations of people.
You will need to be aware of the impact that social and economical factors and lifestyle choices have on the health status of populations and communities in the UK.
You will also need to demonstrate an understanding of how public health problems arise and the methods used to monitor, prevent and combat major public health issues
It is important to explore what various government agencies see as being key
public health goals, concerns and strategies.
The report will demonstrate the following
a) a clear understanding of the nature of the public health issue relevant to the service-user group
b) an analysis and explanation of the links between social, environmental and lifestyle factors and the health of the service-user group
c) the ability to investigate and use a variety of sources of information relevant to the public health issue
d) an evaluation of ways of minimising risks to public health and safety. 

Your Task:
1.        You will need to choose a public health issue to investigate. This can be a disease or condition that is becoming more prevalent in society. It could have local relevance or one that is of broader national significance. This must be an issue that affects a proportion of the population and not individuals.
                  Possible issues may be:
Bird Flu,
Effects of recreational drugs, alcohol, smoking,
Heart disease,
High blood pressure and strokes,
Hepatitis C
This list is not definitive but you should probably talk to your teacher and do some initial research into how much information is available before you make your final decision.
2.       Find information about the condition or disease -
its causes,
signs and symptoms,
short and long term effects,
how it is transmitted or acquired,
possible treatment, cost of treatment and accessibility of treatment, likely impact if nothing is done about it.
You should also give a brief description of the scale of the current situation - how many people are suffering at present, where they live etc.
3.       Research and describe how your issue affects individuals, the wider society, public health services now.
Consider the impact of the issue on these in the future
Summarise the significance of your issue.

1.        Use the Education Forum exercise 'factors influencing your PH issue'  to help you write this section.
You will need to list all the factors that will influence your issue,
Describe and explain how lifestyle choices may influence your issue.
Describe and explain how social factors such as class, gender and ethnicity may influence your issue.
Describe and explain the environmental factors that will influence your issue. Summarise all these factors and identify the most important in influencing your issue.
2.       Use the Education Forum 'Public Health Strategies Lesson'  to help you write this section.
Research and describe the work of some of the different agencies involved in promoting ways to reduce the risk to public health. Remember to consider Governmental, Voluntary, Charities, Private Organisations and Pressure Groups and in the local, national and international fields.
Identify and describe a strategy aimed at your issue at each level -local, national and international.
Evaluate each strategy. How effective has it been? What has helped it to be successful? What has prevented it from being successful?
Suggest 2 new strategies to improve your issue.
3.       Conclusion: Summarise all your findings from this portfolio. What are your personal thoughts about your chosen health issue?
Use Education Forum 'Public Health External Links' to help you begin your research.
Don't forget that you have textbooks!! there are also other reference books in the library and H&SC cupboard.
Remember, your teachers are here to help you so talk to them about your work!
You may want to talk to someone you know if they have the condition you are investigating, this is good practice but remember to get permission before using any information they give you and remember CONFIDENTIALITY.
Remember to refer to the mark scheme and look at what the examiner is looking for - don't waste time on irrelevant information (at least not now - put it to one side if you are interested and investigate it further when you have the time and are not under pressure to complete this portfolio).
Good Luck,
You can do it if you really want!!

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